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"The only two herbicides we recommend are cultivation and mulching."~ Organic Gardening Magazine

If you know me personally, you know I'm pretty easy going. But with the scare of early onset Parkinsons Disease, I immediately changed what I put in my body. Out of the disaster of being stuck in a food desert with zero sources for organic food, I became a home gardener.


That desperate act of survival gave birth to a love of all things gardening. Especially growing heirloom seeds as organically as possilble.


I am not one of those extremists, so don't put me in that garden box. I am simply sharing my ways of doing the best I can to preserve our earth, sustain legacy heirloom seeds, and avoid toxic chemicals that effect my body more obviously than it might effect others.


Organic gardening has become my therapy for optimizing my whole body health.

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